GEOCOMPLEX, a.s. with headquarters in Bratislava was founded in 1992 year (directly linked to Geofyzika, s. e., Geological survey Žilina, geophysical centre Bratislava, Institute for ore research and State geological institute-geophysical department). GEOCOMPLEX, a. s., has long-term experience in all stages of the geological survey at home and abroad, performed namely by geophysical methods. The using of geophysical methods is realized in following branches: regional geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, ecology, special geophysics.
GEOCOMPLEX, a.s., disposes of modern instrumental as well as software equipments: gravity meter CG-3, digital leveling instrument SOKKIA SDL 30, proton magnetometers PM-2, gamma spectrometer GS-256, instruments for measuring radon concentration LUK-3R and LUK-3RD, geoelectrical apparatuses GEP, DIGELA,FRPA, MIMI II, IP-2, sources of electric current GEVY 100 and GEVY 1000, kappameter KT-5, on discovery of the metallic objects MELID, DISCOVER TM-91.
The modern computer data processing and interpretation are guarantee of the high works quality. Geocomplex, a.s., is owner of the software products of Geosoft company. The professional graphical outputs are realized in medium of GIS products ARCINFO a ARCVIEW.