Geological activity

In solving the geological and environmental problems the GEOCOMPLEX, a.s. utilizes the series of the geophysical methods that after physical principle are divided to gravity, geomagnetic, geoelectric, gasometric and seismic methods and to special geophysics (pyrotechnical survey, archaeological survey). The major fields of our interest are:

  • ecological studies of regions
  • selection of construction site for dumps of various wastes
  • monitoring of plastic folio under dump
  • determination of volume radon activity of regions, foundation soils of the construction sites and in waters

Regional geology
  • regional geological research
  • execution of geophysical works for purpose of solving the structural-tectonic setting of regions
  • geological interpretation of the geophysical measurements

  • investigation of the regional and local sources of drinking, mineral and thermal groundwater
  • determination of leakage places of the waters from water basins
  • determination and monitoring of wetness level in rocks and soils

Engineering geology
Engineering geology
  • survey of foundation soils for areal surface buildings as well as underground constructions
  • mapping the zones and knotes of potential seismic activity
  • survey and monitoring of landslides or other slope deformations, prediction of submerges in mines
  • survey of routes of the line buildings

Ore & nonore
Ore & nonore
  • prognostic assessment of the regions
  • investigation and detailed geophysical survey of the ore and nonore deposits

  • digitizing and vectorizing the map and other data
  • proposal and realization of geoinformation systems
  • image processing
  • proposal and realization of electronic atlases
  • creation and print of thematic outputs

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